Archive pour janvier 2018

Remise du Prix Lucas Dolega 2018

jeudi 18 janvier 2018

M. Hugues Desenfant, Directeur de la Division Image & Son Olympus France, et M. Narciso Contreras, Lauréat du Prix Lucas Dolega 2018

Arrivés des invités à l'Hotel de Ville de Paris

M. Pierre Ciot, président de la SAIF et M. Pierre Haski, Président de Reporters sans Frontières

Dans les salons de l'Hotel de Ville de Paris

Dans les salons de l'Hotel de Ville de Paris

Discours de M. Patrick Klugman, adjoint à la Mairie de Paris

Discours de M. Patrick Klugman, adjoint à la Mairie de Paris

Dans les salons de l'Hotel de Ville de Paris

Discours de M. Pierre Ciot, Président de la SAIF

Discours de M. Pierre Ciot, Président de la SAIF

M. Patrick Klugman, adjoint à la Mairie de Paris et M. Hugues Desenfant, Directeur de la Division Image & Son Olympus France

Discours de Sébastien Calvet, Président du jury

M. Patrick Klugman, adjoint à la Mairie de Paris et M. Hugues Desenfant, Directeur de la Division Image & Son Olympus France

Discours de M. Sébastien Calvet, Président du jury

Dans les salons de l'Hotel de Ville de Paris

M. Sébastien Calvet, Président du jury accueille Narciso Contreras, lauréat 2018 sur la scène.

M. Patrick Klugman, adjoint à la Mairie de Paris, félicite Narciso Contreras, Lauréat 2018

M. Hugues Desenfant, Directeur de la Division Image & Son Olympus France, félicite Narciso Contreras, Lauréat 2018

M. Patrick Klugman, adjoint à la Mairie de Paris et M. Hugues Desenfant, Directeur de la Division Image & Son Olympus France

M. Hugues Desenfant, Directeur de la Division Image & Son Olympus France, remet son prix à Narciso Contreras, Lauréat du Prix Lucas Dolega 2018

Discours de M. Narciso Contreras, Lauréat du Prix Lucas Dolega 2018

Discours de M. Narciso Contreras, Lauréat du Prix Lucas Dolega 2018

Discours de M. Narciso Contreras, Lauréat du Prix Lucas Dolega 2018

MM. Sébastien Calvet, Président du jury, Hugues Desenfant, Directeur de la Division Image & Son Olympus France, Narciso Contreras, Lauréat du Prix Lucas Dolega 2018 et M. Patrick Klugman, adjoint à la Mairie de Paris

M. Hugues Desenfant, Directeur de la Division Image & Son Olympus France, et M. Narciso Contreras, Lauréat du Prix Lucas Dolega 2018

M. Hugues Desenfant, Directeur de la Division Image & Son Olympus France, et M. Narciso Contreras, Lauréat du Prix Lucas Dolega 2018

Narciso Contreras, lauréat 2018

mercredi 17 janvier 2018

Le jury de cette 7e édition a décerné le Prix Lucas Dolega au photojournaliste mexicain Narciso Contreras avec son reportage « Traverser la Libye : le marché aux humains », un travail photographique sur le trafic des migrants africains en Libye.

Le reportage

Libya: A Human Marketplace

Sub-Saharan illegal migrants await to be loaded onto a four wheel drive truck as they were smuggled across the border from Niger into Libya, in the Sahara Desert.

Tebu militiamen are pictured at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Qatroum in the south of Libya.

Sub-Saharan illegal migrants sit at a crossroad as they queue for daily job in the streets of Sabha City, Libya.

A mafia teenagher exhibits his gun as he arrives at a crossroad looking for migrants (not pictured) queueing for daily job in the streets of Sabha, Libya.

Bundles of bills confiscated by intelligence police officers during a raid against smugglers in Tripoli, Libya.

Sub-Saharan illegal migrants and refugees are pictured begging for their release in the Zawiyah Detention Centre. The Centre's Director (not pictured) stands in front of the cell, threatening to beat them with a stick if they do not calm down, leading to panic on the part of the detainees.

Sub-Saharan illegal migrants and refugees reach through the window of a cell in the Garabuli Detention Centre, pleading for water, cigarettes and food.

An illegal migrant from West Africa named IBRAHIM MUSSA writhes in pain from terminal stomach cancer as his friend breaks down in tears while they are being transferred from a Surman detention centre in Libya.

A vigilante group carries out surveillance operations on the Zawara shore, looking for the corpses of illegal migrants and refugees, which have been washed up by the tide during the night. Two-hundred and twenty-six bodies of illegal migrants, asylum seekers and refugees were washed up on the Zuwara and Sabratah shores the week after their boats sank in the Mediterranean. Twenty-six pregnant women and one toddler were among the dead.

The bodies of dead migrants, collected from the Zawara shore by a vigilante group, are lined up for burial at an improvised graveyard in Abu Kammash, west Libya.

An illegal African migrant is pictured downcast on the Tajoura shore after having been arrested from the Mediterranean Sea by the Libyan coastguard in the west of Libya.

An Illegal female migrant waits with a group of women to be transferred to another detention centre, after having been sold by the militia group ruling the Surman detention camp in the west of Libya.

A group of Sub-Saharan illegal migrants and refugees are crowded into one section of the Zawiyah Detention Centre, a warehouse-like facility holding as many as 2,000 detainees at any one time, making it the largest of its type on Libyan soil. The Centre serves as a distribution facility in the human trafficking supply chain, and from here inmates are re-sold to other militias on the west coast of Libya.

Illegal female migrants queue in the prison yard as they are loaded onto buses to be transferred to another detention centre, after having been sold by the militia group ruling the Surman detention camp in the west of Libya.

The corpses of illegal Sub-Saharan migrants lie in the morgue of Sabha City after having been collected from the streets and the desert during the previous days.

A mentally-ill Sub-Saharan illegal migrant in isolation in one of the Surman detention centers for illegal migrants on the west coast of Libya.

Asamoa Shia (Ghana, 25 yo) weeps aboard the Aquarius ship after was rescued with his wife and another 120 migrants off the shore of Libya. While working in Libya, he was arrested at home during a night raid carried out by an armed militia in Tripoli. Accordingly, with his testimony he spent over two months in a prison camp from where he managed to escape with other 15 migrants. He was smuggled in a dinghy boat from Sabratah in the west coast of Libya.

Migrants on board the Aquarius ship are taken to the shore of Italy after were rescued off the shore of Libya in the Mediterranean Sea

The corpses of illegal Sub-Saharan African migrants lie at the bottom of a dinghy boat after being recovered by Santa Lucia merchant ship in the Mediterranean Sea. Four rubber dinghies and some 500 survivors in total were being pulled to safety on that day.

Migrants rescued in the Mediterranean are transferred onto the Aquarius ship (right) from Juventa ship (left) after search and rescue operations conducted by aid organizations at international waters.


Narciso Contreras est un photojournaliste né à Mexico en 1975. Depuis 2010, il couvre différents sujets en Asie du sud et au Moyen Orient, ce qui l’a amené à se tourner vers les conséquences humanitaires des conflits et des guerres. Son travail veut contribuer à construire une mémoire visuelle du monde dont il est témoin. Ses études en philosophie, photographie et anthropologie visuelle l’ont conduit à vivre et étudier dans un monastère en Inde, tout en travaillant sur les communautés religieuses. Depuis, Narciso a photographié des sujets peu couverts, comme le conflit inter-ethnique en Birmanie, la guerre oubliée au Yemen, ainsi que des événements majeurs comme le conflit à Gaza, le coup d’état en Egypte, la guerre en Syrie et les conflits tribaux en Libye.
Il se concentre en ce moment sur la crise des migrants en Afrique du Nord, qui fait partie d’un projet de documentation au long terme du phénomène mondial de « déplacements de masse ». Le premier chapitre « Libye, le marché aux humains » documente le trafic et les réseaux d’esclavage en Libye.